management Maya menu tutorial – Maya software training (Session 2 Section 2)

management Maya menu tutorial – Summary :

management Maya menu tutorial : All functions and tools of Maya software are categorized in the menus of this software, so after getting acquainted with the software environment, the menu is one of the basic and basic parts of learning in Maya software.

management Maya menu user interface looks very complex at first. However, this large number of functions and the scope to add more functions to the user interface provides the real flexibility to the program. Other than the functions common for all the various aspects of a 3d graphics software application, there are set of functions dedicated to a more specific task like modeling, texturing, animation, rendering etc. The default Maya user interface can be divided into the following sections. “Maya menu tutorial”

management Maya menu tutorial : In this part, I will introduce you to the Maya environment so that this dumb environment is opened for you and your fear and panic will be reduced. Once you are familiar with this software, you will enjoy working with it.

This software has many menus due to its weight in terms of information. Maya work environment is so smart and professionally designed that each of the menus, of course, depending on the type of use is easily available in this software. We use menus to create two creations, of course, as needed. Each menu is categorized. This classification is related to the type of function and the type of function of a command. Modules are the same categories that are assigned to them depending on the function of the menus. In fact, modules are designed to quickly access a menu, and the most common way to organize menus is to use these modules.”management Maya menu tutorial”

These menus are different in the two Maya versions, so that in the Maya complete version we only see the Ahimation Mode ling, Dyhamics, Rehdering modules.

But in the Maya unlimited version, which we mostly talk about with this version, it also has two other majons called Live and Cloth.

By activating each module, tools related to the same module are available. For example, if you activate the Modeling module, tools and menus related to modeling will be provided to us.

Familiarity with the menu bar

Menu bars are actually the keys or commands that are available to us in drop-down menus. This software, like all software that runs under Windows, has a variety of menus.

The menus Windo, Display, Create, Modify, Edit, File are visible in any condition and in any module, and are fixed with each module. You can see their sub-modules and menus.

At the bottom of the Maya workspace is the Rahqe time and slider, as well as the command line and command line animation execution controllers.

management Maya menu tutorial : At the bottom of the Time and Rahqe sliders there is a horizontal bar called the command line, which you can use to enter commands with the help of melscrilpt scripts or other functions. And gives the location of the mouse in the scene.

So far, you are generally familiar with the working environment of Maya software, and this environment has become dumb for you.

management Maya menu tutorial – Maya software training “Teacher : Mohammadreza Najafiemami ‘Language”Persian’ “

management Maya menu tutorial : This tutorial is coming soon to the new version of Maya software in English exclusively from SIMAVFX

Teacher  Mohammadreza Najafiemami Maya tools training
Time training30:32
categoryEducation , Animation training , animation software , maya
info management Maya menu tutorial (Session 2 Section 2)